Push gift – a little something for creating new life

The birth of a baby is a pivotal moment in the timeline of family life, and almost always one of the greatest days in a woman’s life.


In the photo: My baby son George 


Bringing a baby into the world is a truly demanding task. Alongside joy and happiness it involves insurmountable physical, mental and even relationship challenges. Naturally, the lion’s share of responsibility and decision-making falls onto the shoulders of the future mother.


In the photo: I’m carrying baby George


And while a gorgeous healthy newborn is of course an incomparable blessing in itself, a new mum also deserves recognition, praise, pampering and a little spoiling from her other half.


In the photo: Lana De Goriainoff ( founder of www.landejewels.com)

Her partner, in turn, often prides himself in acknowledging the sacrifices she made to carry and have their child by marking the occasion with a gift – a token of love and appreciation.

A current trend in our social-media obsessed age, you may have heard these presents being referred to as “push gifts,” however the tradition dates back thousands of years according to the archaeologists. More recently, historians told us of special birth gifts in India, England and Tsarist Russia. Today, Instagram is awash with lavish push gifts bestowed on celebrity mums by their well-groomed spouses.




So what makes a perfect push gift?
There is a saying, “What the woman wants, God wants!” And what does she, the Goddess want? Understandably she might want attention, support, assistance, care, tenderness, kindness, compassion, sincere generosity and recognition of the grandeur of her female role. Anything that shows recognition of her tastes and individuality will always go down well. Whether reasonable or not, make sure it is personal, unique, something truly hers. There are few things more intimate then a beautiful piece of jewellery.



Jewellery is, in fact, the most traditional pick for push gifts. It’s sentimental, thoughtful and deeply personal. It will most likely be worn, looked after, kept for a lifetime and sometimes even passed on to future generations as a family heirloom. Whether it’s a simple set of stud earrings or a 5-carat diamond ring, you can be sure you’ve given her one more thing on that special day to love and cherish forever.




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