Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up as the opposite sex? Apart from all guys probably having lesbian fantasies if they suddenly developed boobs, this is now more of a serious issue. Transgender people are becoming more visible, and things like mixed sex bathrooms slowly becoming the norm. What I wanted to write about though, is what would happen from a fashion sense? Would a man still want to dress in chinos and Paul Smith shirts, even if he woke up one day with a vagina? And what about a chick; would she still enjoy rolling on a pair of thigh-highs if the legs were hairy and masculine?
Judging by some real lesbian of my aquainstance, the butch one there does tend to dress like a man, so that could be one clue. I prefer to think, though, that a one day sex change would be unbelievably liberating. Maybe it should even be compulsory in schools! If all guys had to wear high heels for a day and get ogled by builders, they would quickly get in touch with their inner feminist. Who knows though, this is the UK and its probably already a thing among the higher castes in private education.
I think it’s girls who would make the most impact. Right now of course, if you want to put on a tuxedo and stick a banana down your pants, nothing really stops you. But imagine how much guys could learn if they saw what girls could do with a male wardrobe. How about just making sure that belts and shoes match? Or handkerchiefs? And some better fabrics, why is it that Western men don’t wear silk shirts? And a well fitting suit, which actually shows off some pecs, instead of just hanging straight down like a weeping willow.
Who will join me in my mission to make cross dressing compulsory? Or maybe, we should just keep nagging at the men in our lives to get it together and care about their appearance. And no, that doesn’t just mean buying another flavour of Axe for men!