I know it might not meet most people’s definition of a high quality problem but I have been frustrated for years by the problems of how to pack for a transcontinental trip. I remember once I was in Vietnam getting off a luxury minibus and about to embark on a 2 night cruise of Ha-Long bay, when another minibus pulled up alongside, and proceeded to disgorge the most amazing range of Luis Vuitton luggage. There were big bags, small bags, hat boxes, steamer trunks and more and I was suitably impressed by the Swiss based entrepreneurial family to whom the luggage belonged. So clearly, if money, time and effort is no object, and you absolutely must have that Phillip Treacy hat with you darling, that is the way to go. Unfortunately, I am usually travelling transatlantic for just a day or two, and I have become obsessed with not checking anything in, so I need to do something different. I know it’s a bad pun, but I will try to guide you through my journey through business luggage.
My first bag I bought from a smooth talking salesman in the John Lewis luggage department on Sloane Square. He sold me on a patent type Samsonite bag which had wheels and a special suit compartment. I was working on an acquisition of Samsonite at the time and so I thought I should do my best to support the bottom line.
This turned out to be a terrible idea; the suit compartment didn’t work, the wheels broke quickly and I think I threw the bag away after 6 months. Clearly a change was called for and this time it needed to be better quality.
The next bag was a massive cliche, and I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but it was a Tumi suit carrier. Now I know that Tumis aren’t the most stylish bags, but they are very practical. I actually still have this bag, and while it’s not likely to get you laid, it will carry up to two suits and 5 shirts relatively wrinkle free, plus have space for a spare pair of shoes and an iPad.
Speaking of getting laid, weirdly I seem to have become attractive to stewardesses recently. I wonder if it’s because I am just at that age where a man’s good looks and income reach an equilibrium, I supposes you can look at the pictures and be the judge of that…
So, if I am ashamed of using the Tumi, what are the options? Well, the answer is simply that there are many options, and do you only have one pair of shoes? Do get more bags for more occasions. Right now I have a Dunhill carry on for shorter trips, and a Halliburton for longer ones. Now you may think Halliburton is just engaged in digging up the brown stuff and burning it, but the Halliburton I mean is an ex-military supplier of luggage that has diversified into aluminium luggage. They also do a carbon fibre attaché case of USD 2,500 so if money is no object….
Finally I am excited to try a new company. They are called Vocier. Austrian brand, very sleek and functional. They have a very new and cool system which is curved, to minimise the suit wrinkling. Check out for yourself www.vocier.com
Considering bags have basically been the same for 20 years, it’s about time there was some innovation. And once you are toting around a stylish, expensive bag, maybe finally you will join that elusive mile high club.
Vocier Black Collection F38 Luggage
Vocier Black Collection F38 Luggage Bundle