When fitness influencers do sportswear


The trend towards healthy living is proving to be far more than a 21st Century fad. Yogis, fitness gurus and celebrity PTs are fast becoming household names, with stars like Jen Selter, Alexia Clark and Kayla Itsines garnering worldwide online followings in the many millions. Global brand partnerships, celebrity status and extravagant compensation for social media posts are just a few of the things these toned, tanned stars enjoy in today’s internet-obsessed society.



A number of influencers have used their names to launch their own products, from supplements to cookbooks. And we, as viewers and consumers, are not only concerned with their workout regimes, diets and fabulously fit lifestyles, but also with what they wear and how they wear it. Here are a few of our favourite fitness influencers who’ve started their own stylish sportswear labels.


Cassey Ho – POPFLEX



Extensively fit-tested on real bodies, social media star, Cassey Ho created POPFLEX in order to give women “the highest degree of quality at a price point that will not barricade them from enjoying top notch, high-tech fabrics and artistic design.” With 1.4 million Instagram followers, a successful line of books and DVDs and a hugely popular YouTube channel, it’s hardly surprising that this pilates teacher has added another prosperous string to her bow.


@blogilates www.popflexactive.com


Tatiana Korsokova – Vaara



Health and fitness guru, model, mother and entrepreneur, Tatiana Korsakova is the founder of Vaara. The brand was “conceived out of a desire to create a truly luxurious and versatile active range with a modern aesthetic.”



Building on three main pillars: perform, rest and enhance, Tatiana has created a refined wardrobe that includes all the high-tech performance enhancing gear you’d expect from a sportswear brand, as well more unusual pieces like bikinis and cashmere capes.


@tati_vk www.vaara.com


Kristina Deer and K-Deer



Hot yoga enthusiast Kristina Deer started K-Deer shortly after losing her design job at Converse. Since then the label has attracted a strong following thanks to its multihued, striped leggings that make the brand instantly recognisable. With everything in stock manufactured in the US, made from all-American fabrics, and with 5% of each sale donated to charity, these well-priced lycras will have you downward dogging totally guilt-free.


@k.deer www.k-deer.com



Check out another of our favourite sportwear brands – S Peach – here





Written by Thea Carley




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