The eternal gift of Motherhood


A Mother is irreplaceable. She is forever. She represents the beginning of life, and the world’s infiniteness all at once. It’s an honour, a blessing and a great responsibility to be one.


In the photo: I and the kids are wearing clothing by Boden


A mother raises us, looks after us, and loves us just the way we are. If we are fortunate she understands, forgives, and supports us in all our endeavours, continually protecting us from life’s sharp corners.


In the photo: Lana De Goriainoff ( founder of Lande Jewels ) is wearing Lande Jewels and Zvonko Made with Love dress from our E-Shop


Since time immemorial motherhood has been equated to divine calling. The Greeks sang hymns to the illustrious Rhea – the Mother of Gods and Men, the Romans to Magna Mater known as Cybele, the Celts to Brigid, and later Maltese knights formed cults honouring motherhood.

In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Great Britain celebrated Mothering Sunday on the second Sunday of Lent. In Victorian times children were often separated from their families from a young age and on this one day a year they could return home to their mums. Customarily, they brought small gifts such as flowers and fresh eggs for their mothers and grandmothers.

Today Mother’s Day is an internationally acclaimed holiday celebrated in over sixty countries across the world, albeit on different days.



In Britain children big and small show their appreciation with little gifts like flowers, homemade cards, beauty treats, experiences, jewellery and perhaps most importantly their time and undivided attention.


Let our mothers be with us forever and let us remember to be eternally grateful to them for giving us the most important present there is – the gift of life.





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