Everyone knows a quality bag is essential to any wardrobe. Your handbag is a loyal partner, with you through thick and thin, cold rain and rush hour on the Central line. And imagine the impact a single bag can make. I’ve often noticed that even if a girl is dressed in all black by unknown brands, a Chanel bag on her shoulder can make her outfit something special.
I came to Selfridges with an important mission: to discover everyday bags and share my findings with you. There are a few important requirements when choosing the right bag:
1) It should be spacious but not too big;
2) No bright colours, just basics that would suit the wardrobe and would be good for work;
3) Must be high-quality, functional and wearable;
4) And, of course, it must be stylish. You might be wearing this bag for decades, ladies!
Chanel (1)
The most expensive bag is also an investment. No joke: Marie Claire has called it “the best financial investment you could make” and shared convincing graphics showing that the value of Chanel bags has increased by a massive 70%. But it’s also the most elegant of investments. I think it’s perfect if you work in the city. Not only it will carry your papers, makeup and technology, the bag will also prove you’re a smart investor.
Fendi (2&3)
Choose Fendi for classic styles with a rock and roll vibe. Golden studs look great on black leather and make this bag stand out from all the other boring bags that fill business districts (note: this bag would go perfectly with Valentino shoes).
Bottega Veneta (4)
Another luxury brand bag that hasn’t changed much over the years, except for the colour range. That’s why even in a few years your Bottega won’t look out of style. This season this trending style comes in warm brown (pictured) as well a black. The bag is woven so it’s one of the most functional on the list. I know from my own experience that these bags last forever.
Céline (5&6)
Céline knows what women want. They are fully aware that a woman’s handbag might need to hold even more than a man’s suitcase. And this is why they’ve created the Luggage Handbag. The bag was first released a few years ago, but it still looks up to date. Capacious and functional, its materials are solid and sturdy, so it doesn’t look like a sack even when full. The exterior material is a mix of genuine leather and suede, meaning the bag will go well with leather shoes as well as suede knee boots. The icing on the cake is that it comes in a range of on-trend colours such as mustard and milk (pictured).
Louis Vuitton(7&8)
The brown bag with the monogram is one of the most popular bags of all time – and the most copied. However, there are a lot of masterpieces in the Louis Vuitton collections, many of which are perfect for everyday use. The City Steamer has a golden front lock. And, of course, there’s our favorite monogram.
Gucci (9&10)
These two Gucci styles are perfect for work. Like an updated satchel, the shape and colours mean business. The details are what make it – bamboo top handle, plus a shiny chain along with classic Gucci colours and a golden snake on the buckle.
Givenchy (11)
Minimalistic and handy, this roomy and functional Givenchy leather bag has a classic vintage shape. It comes in fashionable terracotta – because not all the great bags are black.
Balenciaga (12)
A classic mix of black soft leather and golden details combined with a braided leather handle, this stylish bag has served women for years. One of the biggest advantages is the price, despite being a big brand name, it’s the most affordable on my list.