Men’s gift ideas
Christmas may be just around the corner but there’s just enough time to squeeze in a few last-minute gifts. We’ve sourced ten terrific treats that are fitting for any fella in your life.
1. Paul Smith sock subscription, £160,
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The Relationship Game – Checkmate or Check Mate?
Those of us who are still active in the dating game but have memories of trying to find a partner in the old (analogue) way have had to contend with not only a shift of vocabulary but a whole new way of meeting people. I suppose things have always evolved: 100 years ago you pretty much had to marry whoever your parents chose for you without even road testing them first, and then either buy one of those ivory dildos they had back then if you were a girl or just sleep with loads of prostitutes if you were a boy in the very likely event that things didn’t work out.
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The walk of shame or just modern day reality?
One of the big ironies of fashion is that the finer points of it are almost exclusively appreciated by women. I probably speak for most heterosexual men when I say that a stylish woman is all very nice, but really what we are most interested in is how much skin she is showing and what she is wearing underneath. And no, tights don’t count as nothing, if you have no knickers on then please pair them with stay ups, or a garter belt.
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The world is not enough
Do you ever think about the scene from Terminator where there are children playing on swings and then suddenly a bunch of ICBMs launch from their mid-west holes and the world ends? Well it’s all I’ve been thinking about recently. I was already freaked out by Russian sabre rattling and the potential break-up of the euro, and now after the US election I’m getting close to an apocalyptic mind set.
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Sex and the City
If you take a load of egotistical young people who are convinced that they are the “best and the brightest”, give them money, booze and a lot of work stress, guess what happens? I remember when I first started in finance the various internship schemes were really just a hot bed of matchmaking for those who hadn’t hooked up permanently at college, or just fancied something on the side. There was one relationship in particular that stands out: these were a couple of Americans on the grad scheme who had a one night stand a couple of weeks into the training programme, didn’t use protection ( I guess, I wasn’t there…) and when it resulted in a pregnancy were forced to get married by both of their politically prominent and conservative Christian parents. Maybe it was fate because they now have 4 children and both are retired from finance but I do look forward to the time when either of them run for political office on a family values platform and I at least will know their family is the result of some drunken fumbling at the Grove in the early 2000s!
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Listen to the Rain…

There is something soothing about sitting and watching rain fall outside the window. For many people it’s hard to be alone – the endless race called life so often interferes, leaving next to no time for reflection. And even if we can find some time to relax, our heads usually fill up with day-to-day problems, worries, unfulfilled desires and dissatisfaction with oneself.
As we grow older we forget what real happiness is – being comfortable with who you are now, being unashamed of who you were then, and looking forward in anticipation to who you could one day become.
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Erotic Christmas.. or not ..
It’s that time of year when the Evening Standard (and every other newspaper) starts to put in special supplements on gifts for her and gifts for him. I don’t want to be too simplistic but I think that men and women have very different Christmas gift strategies. In my experience, women tend to buy thoughtful gifts which they have been planning for a long time, while men pretty much universally have a mad rush the day before to secure something, and end up paying a lot to an unscrupulous salesperson for something that can be bought for half the price on sale 3 days later. If you are wondering if that is based on personal experience, it certainly is, I remember a few years ago I rushed down to Knightsbridge and bought a super expensive bag, only to be calmly informed at the time of presentation that it was the “wrong style, colour and shape” and to return it immediately. I’ve learnt my lesson and I’ll share it with you.
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Dating – are men the problem?
I spoke with a girl friend of mine recently who told me all about her troubles dating men in London. She’s a cool girl – intelligent, good looking (if a tad too tall for my liking) and importantly, she dresses well. It’s not often you can say that about women in London. Nonetheless she complained that she only meets twats these days. “How hard it is to find man”, she complained bitterly. Note she didn’t say a decent man or a rich man, just a man. Clearly, she has problems. But on the face of it she shouldn’t. As I said, she’s good looking, intelligent and she dresses classily.
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